Blog of Yulia Iostman
I'm happy to see you on my professional blog. I'm Yulia Iostman, Microsoft Certified Trainer and Neurointegration trainer.

You will find articles and links to videos on using Microsoft and not only their tools on this blog.
About me
Translator from IT to Business and return
As a master of Mathematical methods in economics and a bachelor of Applied mathematics and informational technologies, I know a lot about IT logic, rules, and processes, which are used in the most modern tools.
As an economist, I know how markets work, and with IT knowledge, I can advise which features from which programs will be helpful or not.

Also, I graduated from Neurointegration Institute and have experience as a Trainer and Coach for supporting and mentoring people toward their goals without burning out. I use this knowledge to find a way for all types of students.

I have an experience as an analyst and project manager on IT, oil and gas, construction, pharmacy, and other projects. In addition, I worked as a freelancer and office worker. I worked with CEOs of companies and with first-line workers.

So, I am a translator from IT to Business and return. I understand both sides and know how to explain complicated things most easily.
Feel free to contact me
Yulia Iostman
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